
The Organizing Committee of FM2009 invited proposals for one or two day workshops in the wide area of formal methods, in particular, workshops on new or emerging fields of application of formal methods. From the submitted proposals, seven were selected, these workshops will take place preceding the Symposium, on 2 and 3 November 2009.

Below initial descriptions of the workshops are provided, including contact data of the workshop organizers. General inquiries regarding the workshops can be made to the Workshop Chair Erik de Vink.

01 FMIS Formal Methods for Interactive Systems

Workshop on formal methods in the development and analysis of interactive systems, in particular regarding human-computer interaction and ubiquitous computing. Previously held in Macau, 2006 and Lancaster, 2007.

Workshop organizers   Michael Harrison and Mieke Massink


Important dates   abstract August 10; submission August 20; notification September 14; workshop November 2, 2009 (room CZ13b, 9.00).

02 VDM and Overture

Workshop providing a forum for discussing and advancing the state of the art in formal modeling and analysis using VDM and its family of associated formalisms including extensions for distributed and real-time systems, addressing the development of tools for VDM, foundations and practical experience. Previously held in Newcastle (2005), Hamilton (2006), Newcastle (2007), Turku (2008), Braga (2009) and Newcastle (2009).

Workshop organizers Peter Gorm Larsen and Jeremy Bryans


Important dates   submission July 13; notification August 10; final version September 7; workshop November 2, 2009 (room CZ11, 9.00).

03 CompMod Computational Models for Cell Processes

Workshop on the application and tailoring of formal methods and related fields for systems biology, focusing on representation of biological processes using special tools and techniques and on extensions of formal methods formalisms to enhance their applicability to life sciences. Previously held in Turku, 2008.

Workshop organizers Ralph-Johan Back, Ion Petre and Erik de Vink


Important dates submission July 15; notification September 10; final version October 1; workshop November 3, 2009 (room CZ11, 8.50).

04 FAVO Formal Aspects of Virtual Organizations

Workshop providing a platform for discussion and interaction addressing formal methods and other rigorous approaches for the design and analysis of virtual organizations. Its list of topics includes infrastructures and topologies, goals and policies, workflow, calculi for VO dynamics, design methods and tools, trust and security.

Workshop organizers John Fitzgerald and Jeremy Bryans


Important dates   submission August 10; notification August 31; final version September 21; workshop November 3, 2009 (room CZ12a, 9.00).

05 FMA Formal Methods for Aeronautics

Workshop addressing new research problems and new interdisciplinary solutions in the formal methods area, driven by aeronautical applications and inspired by advanced embedded software engineering, artificial intelligence and control theory.

Workshop organizers Manuela Bujorianu, Michael Fisher and Corina Pasareanu


Important dates submission August 21; notification September 28; final version October 11; workshop November 3, 2009 (room CZ12b, 9.00).

06 FOPARA Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis

Workshop on the emerging field of software resource analysis and related complexity measures, covering machine-independent characterizations, logics and type systems capturing resource consumption, semantical methods including quasi-interpretations and sup-interpretations, as well as practical applications.

Workshop organizers Marko van Eekelen and Olha Shkaravska


Important dates abstract submission July 10; paper submission July 15; notification September 11; workshop paper October 11; workshop November 3 (room CZ13a, 9.00); formal paper November 22, 2009.

07 QFM Quantitative Formal Methods: Theory and Applications

Quantitative Formal Methods deals with systems whose behaviour of interest is more than the traditional Boolean "correct" or "incorrect" judgment. That includes timing (whether discrete, continuous or hybrid), as well as probabilistic aspects of success or failure including cost and reward, and quantified information flow.The major challenge for researchers is to develop quantitative techniques that are both supple and relevant: the former is important because theories that amplify our reasoning powers are the key to understanding system behaviour; the latter is important because our ultimate goal is to improve the practice of developing, deploying and certifying actual running software in the field.

Workshop organizers Suzana Andova and Annabelle McIver


Important dates   submission July 13; notification September 11; final version October 2; workshop November 3, 2009 (room CZ13b, 8.45).